Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Zoo Trip...Part 2

Today Hannah uploaded her pictures from the zoo and there were some that I loved and wanted to share on here so I decided I'd just write a second post. Besides, I didn't do a very good job of telling the whole zoo story the first time so here it goes again.

Hannah and I had been scheming to surprise everyone at the zoo. We had everything planned out including where we would happen to "run" into them and what time it would happen. Then William got sick. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday were really rough days and I didn't think there was much of a chance we would actually make it to Portland. In talking with Hannah I told her we probably couldn't make it and of course she was understanding and just wanted us to do what was best for Will.

When texting one night she said, "You better not be lying about being really sick so you can surprise me too!" And my reply was, "I wish I was." Then it hit me...I still wasn't sure if we were going to make it Portland or not, but either way I wasn't going to tell anyone I was coming if we did end up being able to go. After all, I already knew "the plan". (Although I did call mom Friday night to confirm it without her knowing that's what I was doing).

Friday night we went to bed still unsure of whether we would make the trek or not. We woke up Saturday morning and Will was doing alright but not having a great morning. I questioned again whether we should go or not. Then Thomas and I just decided...let's go! We were tired of being cooped up in the house and Will's doctor had told us we were fine to go. Besides we figured it was only a three hour drive home if everything went awry.

We left Pendleton about 8 AM on Saturday morning and drove straight to the Portland Zoo. William slept the entire way! We got to the zoo around 11:30 AM and the zoo parking lot was full (it was a beautiful, sunny day in Portland). We had to park in the overflow zoo parking lot which is about a mile away from the zoo. There are two options when you park in the overflow...wait to catch the shuttle bus or walk. The line for the bus was long and we had already spent 3 and a half hours sitting in the car so we decided to walk. I had been expecting the whole time to see someone in my family in the parking lot but we never did.

As Thomas and I walked down the hill to the zoo, car after car passed us traveling from the zoo to the overflow parking. I turned and said to Thomas, "I bet someone is going to pass us on our way." And then as I looked ahead I said, "I bet that is Tanner and Mom right there." Sure enough it was. I honestly wish I had a video of that moment when my mom realized it was us. She was beyond excited. We teased her afterwards that she had her Pendleton Rodeo Court wave on that day.

I tried to text her not to tell my sisters because they were already at the zoo entrance waiting but I didn't get the message to her in time. She had already called Hannah and let them know. It was so fun to surprise everyone!

William had a better day than he'd had in a while. He slept for a large portion of the day but when he was up it wasn't constant crying or coughing. My mom spent almost the entire day packing him around. I don't know how she did it-- he is only a little over 11 pounds but man does he get heavy. It was so fun to get to spend time with all of my siblings. Getting all five of us together doesn't happen very often anymore.

 Sam and his usual shenanigans! 

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